Hello, dear friends! Let us talk about mineral complexes, which are represented in the market of Ukraine, about information about which suppress pharmaceutical companies and about an alternative variant which became for me discovery and solution for many problems concerned with health. If to come into a drugstore, eyes simply run up from abundance of […]
The most cool CRUDE multivitamins
“Than so special crude vitamins?” All elements in these vitamins either are grown on special barmy cultures, either are received from natural raw materials. They are natural vitamins in full sence of the word. It is wrong to claim cheaper vitamins are not natural, however, they are isolated. These vitamins contain elements, which are their […]
The lord of hair. Ancient Asian plants in the scheme against hair loss and canities.
Once I was looking for an Ayurvedic plant Bringaradj for hair… I have found this drug… Paradise Herbs, Vital treasures, Healthy Hair and Skin… I was stupefied because it is unique. Yeap, I have been finding only exclusively unique drugs. :)) Why is it unique? There are Asian plants in the structure, which had been […]
Thermal water and toner “mixed into one”
Continuing subject of YOUTH ELIXIR, it is just impossible to pass by Morningstar Minerals Toner, Energy of skin, restoring spray. Look on its structure: 68 minerals and 12 amino acids! Moreover, these are FULVIC MINERALS. It is a connection of minerals and fulvic acid. Have not heard about this? It is not surprising. Very few […]