Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) – a powerful plant natural antibiotic. Let the word “antibiotic” not scare you. Unlike conventional antibiotics that can selectively influence only on the bacteria, GSE has got a detrimental effect on the bacteria, germs, viruses and microorganisms, including fungi and parasites. GSE contains glycosides and bioflavonoids which work the way so […]
Continuing the hemoglobin subject. Iron is on doctor’s orders. Why men’s vitamins have inscription «IRON FREE»
Often people ask me to recommend good supplement of Iron. Ask why Iron is not mentioned in my schemes of dietary supplements. The point is Iron it is such an element, with which we must to be very careful. Excess of Iron is worse than its deficit, because to get rid from accumulated Iron is […]
Colostrum in the therapy of autoimmune diseases, gastrointenstinal diseases and for collagen synthesis
You see, a subject I’m going to develop today, probably, is hard for perception, but, please, read it attentively as it is highly important. Oriental medicine Ayurveda have been using colostrum for centuries. This is the primary milk made by mammary glands. It appears in first 24-48 hours after stock birth. This supplement is made […]