You see, a subject I’m going to develop today, probably, is hard for perception, but, please, read it attentively as it is highly important. Oriental medicine Ayurveda have been using colostrum for centuries. This is the primary milk made by mammary glands. It appears in first 24-48 hours after stock birth. This supplement is made of cows’ colostrum. It has high concentration of elements, which provide well immunity and growth.

Colostrum is always actual for all people. I will try to report the result of numerous scientific researches laconically and easily.
The subject of colostrum is concerned with immunity more often. There are many ways to improve immunity, but we have a big “but” here. Many people might have autoimmune reaction so strengthening of immunity can be dangerous. It is the process when your immunity confuses “self” and “vicarious” and begins to attack dear cells and organs. It scares. It is one of the most serious problems for modern medicine.

If you do not make certain analyzes you won’t know, for instance, that your body slowly attacks your thyroid gland. Joints hurt but you pull with vising your doctor… Quite possible it could be autoimmune disease.
Such problem occurs in 20-25% of all diseases.

Here is the list of the most widespread autoimmune diseases:

  • the autoimmune tireoidit (tireoidit Hashimoto)
  • Greyvs’s illness (diffusion toxic craw)
  • diabetes of the 1st type, etc.
  • autoimmune haemo lytic anemia
  • multiple (scattered) sclerosis
  • syndrome Hyena Bara
  • myasthenia Gravis
  • autoimmune hepatitis
  • primary biliarny cirrhosis
  • illness Krone
  • ulcer colitis
  • tseliakiya
  • autoimmune pancreatitis
  • psoriasis
  • diskoidny red wolf cub
  • the isolated skin vaskulita
  • the chronic small tortoiseshell
  • some forms of an alopetion
  • vitiligo
  • primary glomerolunefrita and glomerolupatiya
  • Gudpascher’s syndrome
  • system vaskulita with damage of kidneys, and also other system autoimmune diseases with damage of kidneys
  • rheumatic fever
  • system vaskulita with damage of heart
  • myocardites (some forms)
  • autoimmune diseases with primary damage of joints
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • system vaskulita with damage of lungs and other system autoimmune diseases with damage of lungs.

Coming back to colostrum, researches show it can be useful for people with autoimmune diseases. Colostrum works in next ways:

  1. Growth agencies recover damaged cells.
  2. Immune factors (lactoferrin , polypeptides rich with proline etc) regulate the immune respond of organism.
  3. Anti-inflammatory substance help reduce inflammation characterized for autoimmune diseases.

Colostrum has transforming growth factors. They provide better synthesis of collagen and producing antibody IgA that helps when healing wounds; thus immune memory forms.

Сomposition of colostrum.
composition of colostrum

Growth factors in cow’s colostrum restore damage caused by autoimmune diseases. Transforming growth factor can turn back protein decay that promote tissue recovery. IGF-1 (insulinoid factor of growth-1) stimulates glucose transport for patients with diabetes of the first type.

Growth factors have the anti-inflammatory action, namely inflammation is a consequence of for autoimmune diseases.

Researches show colostrum contains components, which can positively influence synthesis tumor necrosis factor (TNF-a). TNF-a is considered as one of the most important directions in the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis.

Growth factors restore injured cells of Digestive System. They also can make distance of a gastric epithelium shorter that prevents the leak of toxins from intestines to organism (syndrome of the increased intestinal permeability). It is especially actually for patients with autism and psoriasis.

Colostrum effective for treatment of the wide range of gastrointestinal diseases, including treatment and prevention of injures after nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Also colostrum has been used against illnesses connected with Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori) and infectious diarrhea.

Note that medical effect of colostrum in case of Helicobacter Pylori could be only on early stage of a disease. Thus, this is only a method of prevention and support during general therapy of gastritis and ulcers caused by H. pylori. Colostrum components interfere with sticking H. pylori to gastric epithelium.

Lactoferrin of colostrum has anti-cancer activity. It protects thick gut, bladder, language, gullet, lungs from cancer.

In spite of the fact that these diseases itself have genetic nature, aggravations of autoimmune diseases can be caused by some viruses or bacteria. Antibodies and lactoferrin are found out at cow’s colostrum in big concentration, they effective against viruses and bacteria. It plays an important role in therapy of autoimmune diseases and in prophylaxis and treatment of cold.

Reach of prolins, polypeptides (PRP) of colostrum are known as transfer factors and have been selling in one Network Company for huge prices.

The duration of course is 1-2 months and 3 months of brake. You can make it longer if need.

Colostrum can be used while pregnancy and breast-feeding.

California Gold Nutrition, Colostrum iherbSymbiotics, Colostrum Plus, Powder iherbI have chosen for myself colostrum California Gold Nutrition in powder (white can). It has both beneficial price and maximum of PRP (reach of prolins polypeptides) – 120 mg on 1 g of colostrum. This factor should be preferred when choosing colostrum. For comparison, Colostrum Symbiotics (is rather popular and many years on sales) has three times less of PRP in 1 g. Moreover, price is almost the same. It resembles milk powder, but as a concentration of colostrum is rather small, so taste is not recognizable. Capsules will be a bit more expensive.

Recommended serving for adults is pointed on a packing. Take up to six additional dose in case sports training or recovering. Also you can take the same dose when physical or ecological stress happens.
Researches show taking 20 g of colostrum a day and combining it with training give considerable gain of muscle mass for 8 weeks. People who had taken only protein had less result.

Dose for children, (the duration of course is one month):

from 6 month to 1 year of age – 500-700 mg a day;
from 1 to 4 years – 1200-1400 mg a day;
from 5 years – 1400-2000 mg a day;

It is better to divide a dose to 2 servings.

To sum up, we see that colostrum is potent and safe method for improving and repairing your health. Add it to your drug’s scheme! Feel free to combine it with any supplements.

All the pictures are links.

Be healthy!!!