I used cooperate with MLM Oriflame company and applied only its products,as they have got true high quality, especially it concernes the products from the Wellness category.There I learned about the strongest antioxidant— astaxanthin (Swedish beauty complex), it is derived from Haematococcus Pluvialis microalgae, that can be found only at coast of the Stockholm archipelago. […]
The best cold remedies: my SOS winter set for children
In this post, I would like to demonstrate my so-called SOS – set for my children ailments, which refers to ARD (acute respiratory disease) or ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection). Actually, I show my best remedies for cold treatment in the situation when the cold is “caught up” and urgently it has to be cured […]
Colostrum in the therapy of autoimmune diseases, gastrointenstinal diseases and for collagen synthesis
You see, a subject I’m going to develop today, probably, is hard for perception, but, please, read it attentively as it is highly important. Oriental medicine Ayurveda have been using colostrum for centuries. This is the primary milk made by mammary glands. It appears in first 24-48 hours after stock birth. This supplement is made […]
The extract of propolis (bee-glue) for the prevention of bad colds and flu
Winter is its climax, and I continue to tell about the means of the immune system support and the effective treatments of upper respiratory tract infections, bad colds and flu for children and adults. It is the best time to check the medicine chest, because a muddy cold spring is coming with traditional exacerbation of […]
Egyptian Black Cumin Seed Oil – healing for all deseases
In the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad it is said : “The black caraway seed is the healing for all diseases except death” (a collection of Hadith Muslim and Al-Bukhari).The famous Hippocrates and the ancient Greek pharmacologist Dioscorides mentioned its amazing healing properties in their medical treatises. It has got a high nutritional and biological […]